mirja nissen


Mirja fell in love with yoga on her first trip to India in 2003 and embarked on an intense programme of study to qualify as a British Wheel of Yoga and Yoga Alliance-accredited yoga teacher at TriYoga, London. A dedicated daily practice of āsana, meditation and chanting enhances her ability to teach from the heart. 


Mirja’s ‘dynamic alignment’ approach to teaching is mindful, creative & fun. She draws on her knowledge and experience of dance, Pilates and a variety of yoga styles to combine safe and clear alignment with a focus on linking movement with breath. Mirja teaches with precision and lightness, dedication and humour, encouraging students to explore yoga āsana to connect with the heart and find more space and freedom in body and mind.


Over the years, Mirja has been fortunate to study with many wonderful and inspiring teachers, including Anna Ashby, Bridget Woods-Kramer, Catherine Annis, Ana Forrest, David Swenson, Max Strom, Richard Freeman, Danny Paradise, and John Scott. Mirja is currently continuing her studies in Iyengar Yoga under the guidance and tutelage of Alaric Newcombe.


Mirja holds an MA in Linguistics and Modern Languages and has been working as a self-employed conference interpreter and translator as well as teaching German for foreign students at Mainz University


Mirja strongly believes that to be a good teacher you have to continue your journey as a student, constantly working on your practice and understanding of yoga and learning from your teachers, your students and yourself!


Contact Mirja: 07884 357627



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'Only from the heart can you touch the sky!'
